If, in our town, there is a person with a more expansive love for the world of sports and those who make it spin than Nick Weted, he is unknown.
From his dad, he inherited his passion for all phases of athletics and his sense of fair play. He has an abiding loyalty towards the participants, especially those who represent Branford his native heath.
Nick was groomed almost from birth in an atmosphere of loyalty for his father, the late Sied Weted, cherished his close association with the late Bob Kelley, original coach of the famed Laurels of our town. It was in his Fourth Ward barbershop that game receipts were counted and strategies discussed. It follows that Nick would follow the pattern of the first coach he was to know. In like manner, he became forceful, and when need be, even adamant in promoting fair play.
Nick participated in sports through high school. If he was handicapped by foot problems, he made up for his lack of speed with gameness, a quick mind and staunch fidelity to those he called teammates.
The details of games won or lost while he played and coached are veiled now in years, but the friends he made while playing, coaching, officiating and watching remain expansive.
His enthusiasm is mirrored in a private museum which he has built up over the years. In it are the photographs of the principals of earlier years, and from his lips revered words retell wondrous feats of old. Untold are the details of his own contributions to enhance the sports history of our town and the encouraging words which spurred young athletes, and others, beyond the limitations of Branford’s sandlots.