Executive Board
John Steady, Secretary
Committee Members
Paul Criscuolo, Master of Ceremonies
Andrea Amendola Kenney, Inductee Coordinator
Alex Palluzzi, Sr., Dinner Chairman
Andrea Amendola Kenney, Web Master
Barbara Fay / Nick Weted, Voting Assemblers
The Selection Committee is comprised of three groups: (1) previously inducted members of the Branford Sports Hall of Fame, (2) individuals who hold the leadership positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Media Relations, Inductee Coordinator, Dinner Chairman, Research Consultant, Web Site Designer, Voting Assemblers, and (3) committee members who do assigned research for the Hall of Fame. Only members of the Selection Committee may attend the Selection Meeting, and each is entitled to one vote per ballot.
Special Recognition
Rich Biondi: Biography Coordinator
JButch Cote: Operations
Andrea Amendola Kenney: Tickets, Sponsors
Alex Palluzzi, Jr.: Sponsors
Keith Spaar, Henry Pond: Videographer
Monica Sullivan: Administrative Assistant
Andrea Amendola Kenney: Website